Beers, Mallers, Backs & Salin LLP
Social Security Disability | Indiana | Warsaw Supplemental Income
It’s a complex process…
Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income applications and the review process are time consuming and detail driven. The Social Security Administration reviews thousands of applications, most of which are composed of medical, work and education records. If there is missing information, only a portion of the applicant’s history can be reviewed. If a deadline is missed, the applicant may be denied and have to start the long process all over. Filing an appeal usually means more paper work, additional deadlines and possibly an administrative hearing. The value of an attorney can make a difference in the outcome of your case.
How we can assist you
Beers Mallers Backs & Salin, LLP, is one of Indiana’s leading elder law firms. Although you need not be elderly to apply for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income, we incorporate a similar approach in handling all Social Security clients.
We will work with you to make sure the proper documentation is submitted to support your application. We will attend your administrative hearing and present the evidence contained in the record to help you qualify for benefits.
Under current Social Security Administration rules and regulations, our fees are paid upon obtaining benefits for our clients, so you pay for our services if we are successful in obtaining a favorable decision for you.
Our focus will be on preparing a comprehensive application that highlights your relevant information so that it can be reviewed with the proper emphasis on your disabilities and limitations.
Beers, Mallers, Backs & Salin LLP
110 W Berry St #1100
Ft Wayne IN 46802
Tel: 260 426-9706
Fax: 260 420-1314
Fort Wayne Medicaid Lawyer | NE Indiana | Elder Law Attorneys
Experienced Northeast IN attorneys helping individuals, families and business owners in business and corporate law, elder law and Medicaid planning.
