Rothberg Logan & Warsco LLP
Real Estate
Knowing the Landscape.
Successful real estate transactions require experience in a wide range of financing and regulatory issues. Our firm is skilled in assisting commercial, industrial and individual clients in the acquisition, sale, financing and leasing of real estate. We offer specialized counsel in matters relating to:
* Environment
* Planning
* Zoning
* Land Use
A Proactive Approach. An Efficient Process.
Rothberg Logan & Warsco has a long-standing history of providing creditors’ rights services to numerous banking, mortgage and financial services clients throughout Indiana. A significant portion of the firm’s practice in this regard involves providing legal services to the mortgage default servicing industry, which includes foreclosure, eviction and loss mitigation services.
Our level of experience and expertise allows us to provide comprehensive legal services to our banking, lending, mortgage servicing and other commercial clients. We tailor our services to meet the needs of our individual clients. When it comes to our residential mortgage foreclosure practice, we are more than a high volume, hands-off practice that is willing to sacrifice quality work for speed. We approach our residential mortgage foreclosure practice with the same care and attention we give to our other practice areas. Notwithstanding our more client oriented approach, we have been able to provide quality legal services while satisfying our client's timeline expectations. In addition, to compliment the legal services RLW provides to the default servicing industry, the firm owns and operates LandQuest Title Group, a full service title, closing and escrow company which allows RLW to deliver cradle to grave services to its clients.
We review each new foreclosure referral for title, documentation and legal description defects. If the borrower appears in the case, either by counsel or pro se, any responsive pleading is first reviewed by an attorney. Our trial lawyers become involved, when necessary, on contested cases and when matters are not resolved at summary judgment.
RLW attorneys attend all state law mandated settlement conferences in person (not by local or contract counsel) to assure that settlement conferences are properly administered and that each settlement conference case continues to move forward in the legal process.
RLW actively pursues foreclosure alternatives such as forbearance agreements, deeds-in-lieu of foreclosure, loan modifications and short sales. Our attorneys are fully apprised of the federal government’s Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) and other programs designed to facilitate home retention. To further ensure that we stay abreast of any new developments, we are one of the founding members of the American Foreclosure Network (AFN), an open network of highly experienced attorneys and key industry providers in the mortgage banking and default industry. Our attorneys are also members of the American Bankruptcy Institute, the Indiana Mortgage Bankers Association and the International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Conference. RLW was also recently chosen by Lender Processing Services (LPS) to become a member of its Strategic Partnership Group.
RLW’s informed, well-trained attorneys and staff, together with our commitment to “cutting edge†technology, allow us to provide the highest level of service to the mortgage servicing industry.
Rothberg Logan & Warsco LLP
505 E Washington Blvd
Ft Wayne IN 46802
Tel: 260 422-9454
Fax: 260 422-1622
Rothberg Logan & Warsco LLP is a law firm with 20 attorneys and two offices located in Fort Wayne, IN, and Warsaw, IN. We represent individual clients and well-known companies of all sizes and in a variety of practice areas including; banking, business, construction, creditors' rights, estate planning, foreclosure, health care, litigation, municipal & real estate.
